Welcome to IWAT

Hi and welcome to I Want A Treat!

I started IWAT as a means to keep my pups, Kai and Layla, and our plethra of Great Dane friends fully outfitted in collars and leashes.

I'm a marine biologist by day and a collar maker in the evenings and weekends! I strive to be fully engaged in the design process, seeking input from my customers on the pattern, the buckle type, the webbing color, and the hardware color they would like for their collar. This collaboration makes for some awesome and innovative designs and happy customers as they get to choose all the details and not just what I think looks good!

I am always happy to communicate with you and answer questions to the best of my ability and like to feel I am often more the person from client to a friend on a regular basis!

Looking forward to helping you with your creations!